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About Our aTeam Leader and
Magnificent Manager

Development Programs

The 12 Winning Habits of Magnificent Managers
Who Inspire Great Team Success. 
Delivery options: Virtual or Live
Times: 1/2 day, full day, or ongoing development program with coaching
"New-to-the-Role" Magnificent Manager Development Workshop
Delivery options: Live Times:
2 Day Workshop with 3 Months of Coaching
High-Impact Teaming. Together.
Strength Centric Leadership. Right Person in Right Role. Leadership Style Agility.  Five Behaviors of High Performing Teams.
Delivery options: Virtual or Live
Times: 1/2 day, full day, or on-going program process 
Luminous Team Leadership
Becoming A Better People Centric Leader For A Strong People Centric Cuture 
Delivery options: Virtual or Live
Times: 1/2 day, full day, or on-going development program with coaching 
Courageous. Creativity. Together.
Using Appreciative Inquiry to Develop New, Big, Bold Solutions to Your Most Challenging Problems Through Cross Silo Collaboration.
Delivery options: Live 
Times: 2 Day Workshop with 6 Months of Coaching
Storytelling for Persuasion and Sales Impact
Delivery options: Virtual or Live 
Times: 1/2 day, 1 day, or 2 Day Workshop with 6 Months of Coaching
Succession Planning Program Implementation Support for Senior Leaders: 
Delivery options: Virtual and Live 
Times: Fully Customized Delivery over 6 to 12 months
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